Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Team is affiliated with Pastoral Care UK, which is part of the Association of Christian Counsellors (ACC). Care Uk.

We believe that pastoral care is the responsibility of all and we aim to build a strong culture of care for each person’s physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental wellbeing. The teachings of Jesus tell us that we are to love our neighbour as ourselves (Mark 22:39). 

Pastoral care often happens quite organically through personal relationships, community groups, and our Sunday gatherings which all provide an opportunity to receive prayer and encouragement from others.

However, sometimes we need a little time with people who can offer a compassionate listening ear and help us to take our next steps. Sanctuary, One to Ones, Talk Listen Care can offer this additional support.

You can also contact our pastoral care team at for a cuppa and chat.

For more information on these spaces & places please visit below

TLC provides a safe place to meet and talk to others. In times of loneliness, isolation and a lack of human contact, a welcome place and a friendly face can make such a difference to our wellbeing.

If you’d like a chat over a cuppa, then please come along on Fridays at the Chapel Hall Café at Emmanuel’s Yard anytime between 9.30 and 2pm. Chapel Hall Café is a calm, beautiful place where you can come and find a friendly face to chat, to sit with or just be; a place where you feel listened to and cared for.

 The main purpose of TLC is to be present for those who need to talk, to spend time with those who for whatever reason, need human company, need to feel heard, need to offload or simply someone real to chat to.  And we love to welcome people into a space where you feel like a person, where, over coffee you can chat about your day, your life or anything you like.  Or you could join us at the community table and meet others and make new friends.

Whatever your reason, you will find a place here for you.

Fridays between 9.30-2.30 plus a free coffee or tea @ The Chapel Hall Café, Emmanuel’s Yard, Church Street Trowbridge.

No need to book, simply pop in, we’d love to see you.