Access - join the team

Access is a new course starting in September and we need you help to make it happen.


Someone wanders into church on the 1st of the month asking questions about Jesus. 

What do you do? Hopefully, you listen and have a spacious Holy Spirit inspired conversation. Then you point them to the Alpha course that is just about to start. 

But what if the next course is not for another six months? That is where Access comes in:

Alternate Wednesday evenings, open to all to help people access faith and community.

Inspired by Alpha

Access has been inspired by the Alpha course and is, in essence, the first few session but in repeated bible study format. Who is Jesus, What did Jesus do, and How can I have faith. Where any stories or illustrations are used from Alpha, these are to be referenced verbally or in writing. 

Five Foundations for Life - More than a bible study

Access is structured to give people five patterns that will help them grow in faith and find their way into community. These foundations are key. Especially getting people to read the bible - even if they are not yet following Jesus. We can make it normal.

Five Foundations:

      1. Community

      2. Listening

      3. Reading and reflecting on the bible

      4. Prayer

      5. Change - ask the action question 

What are you going to do differently as a result of what you have heard tonight?

Access is great for newcomers, people asking questions of faith or people who just want to find their place in the community. To make it happen we need about six people on team, but more would be great. Email Mark to register interest in joining the team, or sign up for Access here.