The boat has a name...

We have installed a boat in the cafe - yes, you heard us right. A boat in the cafe. It is full of sand and intended to be played with by children young and old. The boat will be a focal point for our summer Sunday gathering each week at 10.30 at Chapel Cafe.

Thank you so much for your amazing suggestions for a boat name. There were so many, but we have decided to call our boat:

Wave Maker

Jesus is the way maker; as we get on board with him, we will make waves together.

At the end of the summer, the boat (originally a bed) will be sold at auction to the highest bidder. It could easily be converted back into a bed or used as the best sand pit in the world. There will be a reserve of £150 to cover costs, and anything above that will be given towards the work of West Wilts Vineyard.