Community Lunch This Week!

We saw 30+ at this week’s Community Lunch and we served chips & sausage with beans (supplied by the Codfather on Church Walk) followed by ice-cream and sprinkles. We also had a volunteers birthday and everyone sang happy birthday and celebrated our volunteer.

We are so blessed and our trust in God is unshakeable even though our Storehouse shelves are the emptiest they have ever been since the Storehouse opened! We do have so many collection points around Trowbridge but if you know of a gap in the market and you think this could be filled please do come and speak to me. There is a DONATE button below so if you feel you have some spare money to donate, however little this may be please do think of us here at the Storehouse.

We Praise God in his Goodness and the blessings we receive as we serve our community!

Jill Neighbour