More about the Amazon Wish List

Good Morning Church Family

I hope you have taken time to look at our Amazon Wish List now; this is a really simple way to help us fill up the shelves in the Storehouse, as you know we are really low on stock and need all the help we can get. The top  5 items we need are:-

Tinned Chilli and Curry | Toilet Rolls | Custard & Rice Pudding | Jam and Spreads | Beans and Soup

You can order directly HERE to the Storehouse, Emmanuel’s Yard, Church Street BA14 8RZ

I know it is meant to be summer and the holidays have only just begun; however, here at the Storehouse we are already having to start the planning for our Christmas 'All Wrapped Up' Campaign and our Christmas Community Lunch. It takes a lot of planning and resources, can I ask that as soon as you see Christmas items appear in the shops please do think of us and pop an item or two into your trolley and drop them off (earlier than later for our planning and preparation) THANK YOU!

We have lots of amazing Tombola events coming up; please support us by going and saying hello to the team and buying a ticket, you’ll be surprised at how much we have on the stall. Our next date is Tuesday 13th August in The Shires Shopping Centre. This is such a wonderful way to raise funds and let people know about the work we do in the Storehouse and our Tombola Team are just so amazing, so your support is very much appreciated.

Please keep us all in your prayers; our volunteers and our clients as times are tough with the price of food and fuel having increased so much!

Jill Neighbour