Summer Storehouse News

Good Morning Church Family, and I hope you are all having a wonderful summer.

With the beautiful weather and the Olympics alongside our race track in the Chapel Hall I'm struck by the fact that we can all join in the race; some of us will be very fit and fast, we have been training for years and know how to feed our bodies and build muscle and stamina. Some of us have only just begun our journey and need a lot of support to help us on our way. This can also be true of our faith journey. No matter where we are on the track, we all get to be in the team.

This is true for us at Storeouse too; we journey together, sometimes well and sometimes it can be complicated; however, we are all of equal value and are all needed to ensure that the projects run smoothly.

One of the greatest joys for us as a team is sharing the journeys of our clients; we get to walk with them through the trials and joys of their lives and support them through the challenges in a variety of ways. It is not simply a matter of feeding people; we befriend our clients, share time and break down barriers and preconceptions, this helps us to grow and develop as individuals and enables us to provide the best level of care possible; often referring clients on to other organisations that can provide expert support. “It is truly an honour and a privilege to be a part of this work”.

Our biggest issue is always keeping the donations coming in, either in food items or in financial donations and we always value any support that you can give us.

Next week, Tuesday 13th August, we are having one of our amazing Tombola stall in the Shire, so please come along and chat to the team as they work so hard throughout the year to maintain a consistent stream of income for us to use to fill the shelves!

If you have any free time in the week and want to visit us here and see how the projects work, you would be more than welcome. Our community really need us and we are so glad to help.

Many blessings.

Jill Neighbour