Storehouse Tombola News

Good Morning Church Family, and I hope you are al continuing to have a wonderful summer and who can believe Autumn and September are just around the corner!

As the holidays are well underway this has a huge effect on our families and our stock. We are in URGENT need of all items; please consider a shop on our behalf. The Amazon Wish List is still available, please click HERE!

We have had a few wonderful moments this summer and being the Tombola in the Shires which raised £600 on Tuesday 13 August, this all goes to the work we do and gives us the chance to purchase much needed items we require! 

We have been really blessed by the Allotment Group; they continue to bring us fresh produce throughout the seasons; this makes our food packs so much more interesting and varied. We’ve had courgettes, cucumbers, curly kale etc etc.

We are now full steam ahead for the Uniform Services Day on Saturday 14th September in the Town Park and we have also begun the planning and packing for the Christmas Season!! If you have any items of toiletries, candles or unused and unwanted gifts, baskets etc, that you could donate; we would love to have them, please drop them off in church on a Sunday or come down to the Storehouse Tuesday to Friday 10-12noon.

Many blessings.

Jill Neighbour