Good morning church; what a week it has been at the Storehouse; God's provision always surprises me. We have been trying to find an affordable display fridge for the cafe and events so that we can keep all foods at required temperatures as the weather improves. This week, due to a very wonderful member of the church; we have been offered one for free from a local school; AMAZING!
The Tombola team has been out in the Shires again raising much needed funds for us; £487 was raised this week!. The Tombola team work tirelessly throughout the year on behalf of our clients to ensure we can meet growing needs.
On Saturday a group of us will be representing the Storehouse and West Wilts Vineyard at the Mayor's annual dinner and dance, so watch out for photos in next week's updates.
We are so blessed to be able to show the love and compassion we receive so freely form jesus, with our clients; I was in Asda on Tuesday morning getting a few items for the Community Lunch and I met a client on the way and then a second client on the way back; these 'chance encounters' are always God's provision. One of these clients had been attacked and was feeling very low and was able to share feelings and worries with me, just a simple conversation to enable another human being to be heard. The second client was really depressed and was feeling judged and wondering 'what's the point', again, I cannot fix all the issues, however, we can show the loving heart of the Father for His creation and then encourage this person to come in and get some food and company and a good conversation.
I believe that God just asks us to be present and to allow Him to lead us in all our encounters; I am sure that you all have wonderful stories of 'chance encounters' where you can see that God put you in place for the benefit of others. Please keep sharing these stories as we all need to hear and see how God is moving and to feel encouraged; the small things really matter and make enormous differences to the lives of others.
Keep following us on Facebook and share our posts and if you can, how about bringing one item a week to church for Storehouse, it could be bar of soap, a tin of soup, a bag of carrots, a new pair of socks, some clothes that you no longer need, towels and hair products; we are always in need of things for our clients and this is one way you could all be part of the great work we do.
Keep praying for God's blessing upon our team, the work and most of all for our clients and team members to come to know God and/or to grow in their faith; let our prayer be for God's kingdom to come here in this place in power and with grace.
Blessings to you all, Jill