Storehouse : #easyfundraising

Good morning church family; times are getting harder for so many of us at the moment and this means we need to be creative about how we keep the shelves stocked. Please give in anyway that you feel God leads you.

Also, you can now support Storehouse - Trowbridge on #easyfundraising, you can raise FREE donations for us when you shop online with over 7,500 brands. It's simple and only takes 2 minutes to sign up! This will make a BIG difference to us. Please visit HERE

We have had such a lot of joy in the Storehouse; times are hard and people are struggling however, we never need to turn people away and we always have such great connections with our clients; it is such a joy and honour to be a part of God's work here. Please do continue to support us in anyway you can and pray for us too.


Jill Neighbour