Wonder starts Sunday 12th January 6pm

Wonder is a new Sunday evening meeting launching on the second Sunday in January 2025 . The desire is to create a space where people can spend time in God’s presence without some of the constraints a morning meeting brings.

It is hosted by 10:Ten, our young adults ministry, and provides a training ground for developing their leadership gifts as well as a resource for the local area.

At a recent 10:Ten meeting, Zak encouraged us to learn to be more grateful and as we learn to wait on God, our dream is that worship would flow out of that gratefulness. Joe described Wonder as being an opportunity to experience 10:Ten but in a wider context.

Jez said “we want to provide an opportunity to lead people in an extended period of worship, give a short and interactive talk and send people out in Wonder of their creator with helpful ways to deepen their relationship with Jesus”

We’re excited to see what God is going to do in 2025 and look forward to building church with Jesus