Our new teaching theme 'Home of Wisdom'

Autumn Term is nearly upon us and we will start our new teaching theme of ‘Home of Wisdom’: Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom Proverbs 9:10 ‘ on Sunday 1st September.

What does life look like as a follower of Jesus when we live it the way He intended?

In the Autumn of 2024, we will be exploring Wisdom, and we would love you to join us.

Wisdom in the bible explores that same question from many perspectives, different threads of reasoning and trains of thought. Despite the vast time frames and different voices, remarkably, all the writings reach similar conclusions. As we step into this new teaching series from Genesis to Hebrews, we are invited to actively build a strong and beautiful home of wisdom in our own lives.

Godly wisdom is not clever knowledge and more information but experienced advice on HoW we live our lives.

Time to get building…