

As we explore the theme of belonging and consider the ways in which we belong to God, ourselves and each other - as the Body of Christ, we may want to reflect on some of the following questions:

What does belonging look like to you & how does it make you feel?

In God’s story we are designed to have authentic connection with the Trinity, others and the created world. We are wired for this purpose. Where do you see this at work in your own life?

Belonging is different to simply "fitting in". We are invited to belong to His family but also embrace and celebrate our uniqueness and design. How might knowing this help you in your journey of belonging? 

What do you do to nurture your sense of belonging to God and His family - the Church?  What do others do to help you belong? 

In what ways does belonging serve as an anchor?

During this season we may feel disorientated and our sense of belonging may feel disrupted or challenged. Take some time to reflect on this and if relevant acknowledge any feelings and thoughts before God.

In what new ways may God be inviting you to think about and experience belonging?