Communication Guidelines at WWV
West Wilts Vineyard channels of communication:
Googlemail (General Communications)
WhatsApp (Teams | Groups & Events)
Social Media Channels ( Facebook: WWV | EY | CA & Instagram: (WWV I EY I CA ) (Updates)
Websites (WWV | EY | Community Action) (General Info, Resources Community Life Updates)
Church Suite I Login (Address Book, Calendar, Events, Finances, Rotas etc)
Youtube I WWV (Sunday Gatherings & General Info)
To keep our communication positive and encouraging
please do:
Communicate respectfully
Avoid using words, phrases or other material which may be offensive, abusive or discriminatory. Consider the effect of the wording on the person receiving the message.
Use communication channels appropriately
Keep information relevant
Be aware of the limitations of written communication - is a face to face conversation needed?
please don’t:
Do not share people's personal information without their permission - phone numbers, emails
Do not add a person to a group without their prior consent - invite via link
Be mindful of Young Helpers (Under 18) - remember that your team/groups may have young people helping. Do not add them to your social media or approach them directly without parental consent.
Be mindful of when you are communicating - can it wait till the morning?
Let people know you are leaving a group - It feels positive to say goodbye! You may also want to wait for them to respond!