Communication Guidelines at WWV

West Wilts Vineyard channels of communication:

  • Googlemail (General Communications)

  • WhatsApp (Teams | Groups & Events)

  • Social Media Channels ( Facebook: WWV | EY | CA & Instagram:  (WWV I EY I CA ) (Updates)

  • Websites (WWV | EY | Community Action) (General Info, Resources Community Life Updates)

  • Church Suite I Login (Address Book, Calendar, Events, Finances, Rotas etc)

  • Youtube I WWV (Sunday Gatherings & General Info)

To keep our communication positive and encouraging

please do:

Communicate respectfully

  • Avoid using words, phrases or other material which may be offensive, abusive or discriminatory. Consider the effect of the wording on the person receiving the message.

Use communication channels appropriately

  • Keep information relevant

  • Be aware of the limitations of written communication - is a face to face conversation needed? 

please don’t:

  • Do not share people's personal information without their permission - phone numbers, emails 

  • Do not add a person to a group without their prior consent - invite via link

  • Be mindful of Young Helpers (Under 18) - remember that your team/groups may have young people helping. Do not add them to your social media or approach them directly without parental consent. 

  • Be mindful of when you are communicating - can it wait till the morning?

  • Let people know you are leaving a group - It feels positive to say goodbye! You may also want to wait for them to respond!