God loves a cheerful giver!

The ministry at West Wilts Vineyard is supported entirely by those who give their time, talents and resources. Sunday gatherings, youth work, Vkids, Cafe, pastoral work and the beautiful Emmanuel’s Yard are all funded directly by you. Our community action projects also receive external funding and donations. To support all this work, we have a building, an admin team, and the day-to-day things like paying utility bills and light bulbs. Thank you for all you give and the many ways that you give.

Over the coming months, we know that things are going to be tough financially for many people. We also want to make WWV a place that is focused on making disciples; this includes our finances. So we decided before the summer to stop taking collections during our gatherings and instead have a Joy Box at the back of the church. We clearly still need you to give, but we want to make it an act of discipleship and joy.

The new joy box has arrived. (See image) Our aim is that each of us can grow in joyful giving in response to what Jesus has done. Maybe you regularly give via standing order or bring some coins, cash or a cheque. Or maybe life is hard financially for you right now and you can’t give money. But each of us can give our hearts. So however and whatever you give, grab a coin on the way in and joyfully put it in the joy box money spinner.

If you have young children, then use the joy box to teach them to joy of giving.


God loves a cheerful giver 2 Cor 9:7