Young Person Volunteer Agreement
Thank you for offering to volunteer your time, energy and skills to WWV. We are really excited that you have chosen to join our team. As a church we want people to use their gifts and skills so everyone can grow and flourish! Because of this we work in a way that is respectful and supportive for everyone. Please see how we do this:
As a church we will do all we can to ensure that:
You are respected as an important part of our community.
You are given training and support so that you know what you are doing, when and in a safe way.
You will know who will support you and who you will be responsible to.
You will be treated fairly and respectfully.
That your personal data and information will be kept confidential.
As a volunteer we ask you to:
Do the tasks that are asked of you to the best of your ability.
Ask if you need help.
Treat others with kindness and respect.
Follow all our policies and instructions - these keep us all safe!
Complete any training needed.
Accept support and guidance needed for your role.
Let your team leader know of anything that may affect your ability to carry out your role, so that support can given where possible.
Let the team leaders know if you are unable to volunteer with as much advance warning as possible.
That you will take responsibility to swap with another team member to cover your session (when needed).
We really care about young people and their safety. Because of this please could you:
Keep any communications with other adults in your team to the team Whatsapp group.
Keep your parents updated on the things that you are doing and sharing with others.
Do not add any adults from church on any of your other social media platforms without your parent’s consent.
Do not share anyone’s number from the WhatsApp group with others.
Be kind and respectful in your communications with other members of your team.
If you have any worries or concerns please speak to the person who heads up your team, or speak to a Safeguarding Officer.