Soul Care


We really value and honour the journey and process towards well-being and wholeness. With this in mind we champion the role of spiritual directors (soul coaches) and therapists in our lives.

Spiritual Direction

If you would like to grow in your faith journey and spiritual life you may want to consider journeying with a Spiritual Director. Spiritual Directors are companions - trained men and women dedicated to guiding people in matters of the soul, faith and God. Ironically this ministry is not “directive” - they won’t tell you what to think, feel or believe. They will, however, ask good questions and create a safe and non judgemental environment for you to explore. Many people seek Spiritual Directors during seasons of transitions, discernment, crisis, deconstruction and questioning - but this is not always the case. They are available to anyone who would like to explore and journey deeper.


Psychotherapy, talk or talking therapy, counselling, or even creative therapies—no matter the name, can benefit anyone struggling and in need of additional professional support. Therapy can really help improve our sense of well being. You may want to contact your local doctor to access therapeutic services available on the NHS however we have also put together a directory of recommended therapists in the area.